воскресенье, 10 июля 2011 г.

1908 Herald Square, New York. There is a lot to look at in this photo, hundreds of people, dozens of cars and carriages, and every head has a hat

 Top hat (in front) and fancy carriages for the very wealthy
 Top to bottom interesting stuff; upper right corner is a guy trying to jump out of the way of a street car, to his left the open touring car has a uniformed and gloved driver, in the upper left side are 3 horses side by side pulling a cart(see below left side for a better view) I've never seen a 3 horse cart. The open touring cars are right hand drive. Lower right side is a one horse cart with advertising on the roof for people in high rises to read if they look down at the streets
from http://www.shorpy.com/Herald-Square-New-York-1908

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